AI Suite questions & answers

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Question by Atom 1
November 30, 2009

AI Suite is developed by ASUS with limited opportunities for different processors. It needs to tuck your CPU. Should I keep the software installed?

Answer by Alex Urbach

AI Suite was developed to allow end-customers to tweak the settings of their motherboard and CPU while staying in a SAFE ZONE without messing up the BIOS. The software is configured to allow users to overclock or downclock their CPU's. It's great for when you have hardware that's capable of overclocking, but if you feel that it has no use to you, then simply uninstall it. The computer will function perfectly fine without it as well.

Question by Guest
September 17, 2009

I receive "Error: Initial CpuUsage DLL Failed". What can I do?

Answer by Pete Clapp

Go to Start > All programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information, click the System Summary entry and check the information next to Motherboard Model/System Model from the right pane. After that, navigate to Asus Downloads page, click the Start button below Select Model Manually, click Motherboard from the PC Components section and select your motherboard model and operating system. After that, click Confirm and download and install the provided files. If the error persists, try uninstalling AI Suite and then installing it again.

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